Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Wordsworth’s Sonnets and Technology - 541 Words

Wordsworth’s Sonnets and Technology In William Wordsworth’s sonnets The World Is Too Much With Us and London 1802, he describes his society as being too dependent on technology. In Wordsworth’s time, the 1800’s, new phases of technology, such as electricity to run machines, were booming and people were relying more on them. With these new innovations, Wordsworth was convinced that people would stop appreciating nature while allowing technology to run their lives. In London 1802, Wordsworth describes how people are becoming more dependent on technology and how they have left behind their ancestors heritage: England have forfeited their ancient English dower(5). The dower refers to our inheritance from nature that†¦show more content†¦We are distracted everyday with our busy lifestyles, so that we don’t have time to stop and save it. Wordsworth mentions many solutions for his society that state people should be more reliant on themselves and nature, instead of on technology to better their lives. In London 1802, Wordsworth declares Milton! Thou should’st be living at this hour (1). Wordsworth uses Miltons name to allude that society needs more writers to help people understand the drawbacks of technology and that self-dependence is the right path to follow. In the same sonnet, Give us manners, virtue, freedom, power (8), refers to the morals, customs, and social and political actions Wordsworth believes are missing from his society and can be replaced by writers, such as Milton. By having more writers, Wordsworth believes that they could provide his society with the appreciation of nature with literature. Today people are more entertained from watching TV and movies than by books, but Wordsworths solution can still work. Movies and television can still present people with morals and customs to appreciate nature by telling a visual story--the film The Matrix tells a story of how people have relied so much on technology that one day the machines started to run them--rather than a written one, and they can appeal to a larger audience compared to books. ThroughoutShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis of â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud† and â€Å"The Facebook Sonnet†879 Words   |  4 Pages Critical Analysis of â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud† and â€Å"The Facebook Sonnet† Light and happy or dark and lonely, both â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud† and â€Å"The Facebook Sonnet† are similar in that both of their themes describe solitude. Still, William Wordsworth and Sherman Alexie use opposite ideas to take this concept in different lights. 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However, he did not agree with his research, and ultimately thought up his own philosophy, which, with the help of his Romantic style, was employed throughout his poems and writings (Legouis, 4). His sister, Dorothy, with whom he was reunited with after his trip to France, further influenced Wordsworth. Wordsworths nautical references and ocean metaphors were strongly influencedRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth And Matthew Arnold Essay1795 Words   |  8 Pagesstrife between England and France. The French Revolution sparked Wordsworths hunt for his own philosophical quandaries. However, he did not agree with his research, and ultimately thought up his own philosophy, which, with the help of his Romantic style, was employed throughout his poe ms and writings (Legouis, 4). His sister, Dorothy, with whom he was reunited with after his trip to France, further influenced Wordsworth. Wordsworths nautical references and ocean metaphors were strongly influencedRead MoreComparing R.S. 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Doggy Poo free essay sample

This morning I stepped in doggy poopy. My parents told me time and time again to walk on the driveway and avoid the yard, but because I think I know everything, I knew that the shortest distance between two points (in my case the house and car) was a straight line. Besides, I knew that many things parents say are insignificant. A few years ago I learned the secret of parenting. While snooping around my parents’ room, I found a book entitled How to Make Your Kids Eat Spinach and Other Green Things: A Manual for the Domestically Challenged. It was hidden behind a jar of teeth (my mom was the Tooth Fairy by night) and was covering a rubber mask (my dad was the Boogie Man). The author was some doctor, but he only had a Ph.D. so I knew he wasn’t credible. I revisited this book whenever my parents gave me instructions (â€Å"Jerica, clean your room. We will write a custom essay sample on Doggy Poo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It’s good for your health.† â€Å"Jerica, brush your teeth, it will make you stronger.† â€Å"Jerica, you have a good personality. Your acquaintances will surely be able to tolerate you.†) and when I found their counsel or directions in that book, I would simply disregard it. As the reader may have guessed, there was a chapter directing that children not play or walk on grass, so I ignored this admonition, too. It was more convenient to cut through the yard, and I usually arrived at my destination in safety. Because I thought I knew everything, I did not even have to look down to know it was doggy poopy my foot had so gracefully slid into. I had barely 10 minutes to get to the bus stop, so I acted fast, not really thinking about what I was going to do to fix the problem. I’ll leave the grotesque details to the power of imagination. During school, as I constantly smelled the evidence of recent events, I conceived a bazillion different ways I could have handled the situation. Needless to say, it seemed my shoe emitted an unpleasant stench all day. Removing the falling star I had caught when I was six from my pocket I was saving it for a rainy day but supposed this was as good a time as any I wished that no one would detect the odor. People often take short cuts in life, but embracing the easy way is useful only because it often leads to mistakes, which in turn causes people to learn, grow and move on. Even though I know everything, I still make a lot of mistakes. I know that the problems and trials I encounter help mold me into perfection. They may be difficult, but one day, when I am old and gray, I will lose my sense of smell and be able to step in all the doggy poopy I want. Everyone should step in it once in a while. It reminds them to watch where they are going in life, helping to return them to the right path. Also, I would never have learned as much as I have, and that is saying a lot considering (I am sure the reader remembers) I know everything.